Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Two different stories, two different demographics, two different outcomes, two different worlds, two sets of rules

WTF? "City may come up short on Renaissance Co-op funding"

"Assistant City Manager Chris Wilson, who has been in regular talks with the Renaissance Co-op, said it looks like the significantly reduced figure is all the city can afford."

Greensboro "Found" $2.2 Million To Give To Rich Developers

Congratulations Sam Simpson.
On Crony Capitalism in Greensboro

Matheny received contributions from John Lomax and DGI Board Chairman and Real Estate Broker Sam Simpson, who both stood to benefit from the deal.

...The targeted company declined the incentives Matheny brought to City Council for Messrs. Lomax and Simpson, and is moving its headquarters to Greensboro anyway.

City Council offered John Lomax and Sam Simpson $150,000
to move Gerbing into John Lomax's building
with Sam recieving the commission on the incentive
and a percentage of the monthly rent.

Councilman Zack Matheny had brought the proposal to the table
while taking campaign cash from Lomax, Simpson and others

Mr. Matheny denied Sam Simpson was going to make any money on the deal on video at city council

"The incentive was worth six times what the city would normally provide for such a deal.
Greensboro will give Gerbing $6,000 for each job it plans to create instead of the $1,000 per job offered under Greensboro’s incentive policy guidelines."
