Monday, July 29, 2013

S. Mujeeb Shah-Khan: Leveling The Playing Field

A few folks took issue with the way I executed my last victim, Greensboro City Attorney, S. Mujeeb Shah-Khan  and I've little doubt some of you will remain impossible to reach.

For the rest of you, food for thought: every working class citizen that appears before the Greensboro City Council is forced to give his or her home address before he or she can address the council. This is done in front of live television cameras that are broadcast to the entire City of Greensboro and Guilford County. Those same videos are then posted to the City's website. There's even worldwide live streaming to the web via City TV.

Then others post those videos to YouTube and other websites where they are then posted to blogs, Facebook and other social networking sites. Your appearance to stand before Greensboro City Council is dependent on your repeating your home address in front of the cameras and could potentially be shown to tens of thousands of people or more. Perhaps millions before the smoke clears. If you refuse to give your home address, Mayor Robbie Perkins will not allow you to address the Council and the Citizens of Greensboro.

By the same token, Ed Wolverton, formerly of Downtown Greensboro Inc never once gave his home address. Instead, he used his Downtown office address. Walker Sanders of the Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro isn't required to speak his home address. Dawn Cheney never tells us her home address. Roy Carroll never speaks his home address. The lawyers, professional witnesses, developers,, lobbyists, corporate representatives and other cronies who address City Council almost never speak their home addresses.. Most don't even tell us their office addresses. Mayor Perkins has never asked S. Mujeeb Shah-Khan to tell us his home address nor has City staff or members of the Greensboro City Council ever been forced to utter their home address before what could be 10s of thousands, perhaps millions of viewers. And yet all of them were allowed to speak.

Only Greensboro's working class are required to meet such a high standard. Why the double standard?

All I'm out to do is level the playing field and if I have to run down  Greensboro City Attorney, S. Mujeeb Shah-Khan in the process... Well one would think a prestigious Duke University Law School graduate would be smart enough to move out of the way of a mad man driving a bulldozer.

Tyrannicide is a messy business. If you're not smart enough to get out of my way then perhaps you should be considered for a Darwin Award.  After all, I gave Mujeeb every chance to tell the truth and he decided he would rather lie. His call, his fall.

And don't forget folks, it's still Hell Day here at East Greensboro Performing Arts Center. God how I love Mondays!