Wednesday, August 21, 2013

GPAC Supporting Slumlords Or Slumlords Supporting GPAC

I got my hands on a couple of lists from the City of Greensboro, of landlords who apparently don't take very good care of their rental properties. Now we finally know the type of people who support GPAC and how they came to "earn" their fortunes from making people live in substandard housing while reaping huge profits with which to build downtown monuments to themselves. Well no more do they hide behind the layers of corporate anonymity, now their names and faces are made public for all to see and shame publicly.

From ACTIVE Multiple Owner Cases 8-8-13final.

I don't think UNCG has donated any money to GPAC but they have put a lot of effort and man hours into helping to make it happen. But I never expected to find Ken Mayer and UNCG Business Affairs listed among a list of Greensboro slumlords but if you look up Capital Facilities Foundation Inc. you'll find them right there.

The G Partnership owns a number of properties, apartments on Montrose Drive and Burligate. A Guilford County property search for one of those addresses turned up the owner's address as 1400 BATTLEGROUND AVE #201. Searching the web for that address I came up with Phillips Management Group, 1400 Battleground Ave Suite 201. to be sure I searched the NC Secretary of State for G Partnership and came up with not only the same address but the same regestered agent, a Kim B Cooper  who represents 6 different real estate businesses with the same address. This is important because the Phillips Foundation has promised $3,5 Million Dollars to GPAC.

The Phillips Foundation was formed by the late Kermit Phillips, one of the most notorious slumlords in the southeastern United States and is now run by his daughter Ms Elizabeth Phillips who lives at 908 Country Club Drive. 

The beautiful Ms  Elizabeth Phillips though when I saw her just yesterday it appeared she has put on weight.

By the way, the water fountains at 1400 Battleground Ave don't work.

Marc Isaacson is one of the GPAC funders. He's also the owner organizer of Madison Park Apartments, LLC. Another on the list of slumlords.

Marc Isaacson with Jill Wilson Isaacson

Marc and Jill live at 2308 Princess Ann Street.  I think the anonymity and property values of Irving Park are about to go down.

From the document CLOSED Multiple Owner Cases 8-8-12 to 8-12-13final: You'll note both of these documents are somewhat current and originate from the City of Greensboro.

THOMAS L WHITE JR is the owner of CADILLAC CAPITAL, LLC.  He's also the registered agent for NORTHWOOD PROPERTIES OF GREENSBORO and the chairman at Alliance Management, Inc  which all share the same 1400 WEST NORTHWOOD STREET address. You'll find him listed along with his wife as Judy and Len White.

Note: Just so you know, this is not the same Thomas White as owns TRP Enterprizes. I went to great lengths to be certain.

Previously, the Whites helped with the fiasco known as City Center Park which has robbed working class taxpayers of hundreds of thousands of dollars over the course of the last few years and will continue to rob us for decades to come because according to Councilwoman Nancy Vaughan the City of Greensboro doesn't want to be saddled with the long term expense of maintaining the water feature. And yet we pay every year to maintain the water feature.

The Whites live at 603 Sunset Dr in Irving Park across the street from the Greensboro Country Club along with the rest of Greensboro's most notorious slumlords

Judy is a partner in  Tyler White Art Gallery 307 State Street with Marti Tyler of Tyler Redhead & McAlister Real Estate  (Marti Tyler, Katie Redhead and Alec McAlister) whom I am sure are very happy to have their names dragged into the fray as well.

The City of Greensboro is on the list of slumlords. Why does that not surprise me? Perhaps if city staff spent more time doing their jobs and less time promoting a performing arts center no one wants, the City wouldn't end up on a list of bad landlords. Whose picture should I use for the City of Greensboro? Well Ms Denise Turner Roth is the City Manager.

Ms Turner Roth lives at 5303 Coveview Ct. along with her husband Charles, aka, Chip Roth of Unity in Greensboro. and who also currently serves as the Communications & Political Action coordinator for Teamsters Local 391 and is one of the union's registered lobbyists in Raleigh. Being a registered lobbyist adds Chip to the growing list of Greensboro's Public Figures and when you become a public figure you give up the right to privacy. In case you don't know Chip and Denise:

Oh, don't worry folks, GPAC may be a done deal but it's far from over... Eventually, every name of every person responsible for forcing this on Greensboro's working class will be made public, the pictures, addresses and businesses posted online along with whatever else we might happen to dig up.

As a matter of fact: much of it is already set to autopost, safety off.....