It has come to my attention that Rocco Scarfone is planning to close Club Allure in downtown Greensboro to make way for the Greensboro House of Blues that he and Greensboro City Councilman Zack Matheny have been planning, despite Scarfone's long established record of criminal activities involving fraud, extortion, marijuana and cocaine dating back to the 1980s.
When asked of his business relationship with Mr Scarfone, Councilman Matheny would neither confirm nor deny:
It is believed that Matheny and Scarfone will attempt to use Downtown Greensboro Inc and City of Greensboro funding to do the needed renovations and that Councilman Matheny will use his position on city council to influence city council members as well as DGI board members who are currently being threatened by developer John Lomax's efforts to dismantle the downtown Business Improvement District altogether, to get the funding Matheny and Scarfone need. If the BID is dismantled then the City will cut off all taxpayer funding to DGI, effectively putting the "non profit" out of business.
Hey Zack, isn't that what is commonly known as influence peddling? Isn't that also a felony?