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"Leon David Black (born 1951) is an American investor and art collector. He specializes in leveraged buyouts and private equity. He founded the private equity firm Apollo Global Management in 1990.
...Two months after the May 2012 anonymous purchase of one of four versions of Edvard Munch's The Scream, The Wall Street Journal reported that Black had been the one who had paid $119.9 million for the pastel, the highest price ever paid for a work of art at auction as of that time.
"The Fresh Market is not only likely getting help from the Guilford County taxpayers, but also from the Greensboro taxpayers who are Guilford County taxpayers as well.
The Greensboro City Council is holding a special-called joint meeting with the High Point City Council on Thursday, Nov. 21 at 12:30 p.m. at the Guilford Technical Community College Center for Advanced Manufacturing, 6012 Gate City Blvd.
At that meeting, the Greensboro City Council plans to consider an incentive not to exceed $301,000 based on the Fresh Market creating 53 new jobs and retaining 248 jobs with an average wage of $86,000 and a capital investment by the Fresh Market of about $2 million."
County Taxpayers May Help Grow Fresh Market
While the Guilford County Board of Commissioners hasn’t discussed the project publically, the board has scheduled a public hearing for its Thursday, Nov. 21 meeting, when the commissioners will listen to any pro and con arguments from citizens and then vote on a proposed incentives package for the upscale grocery store chain.
According to county documents, the proposal is “to appropriate and expend $106,000 in county funds to The Fresh Market, Inc. for the creation of 53 new jobs and retention of 248 positions at an average wage of $86,000.”
In the past 37 years, Fresh Market has grown to a chain of 160 stores in 22 states. In 2010, the company held an initial public offering raising $290 million and the stock began trading on Nasdaq.
Fake fiscal conservative Tony Wilkins and Justin Outling vote for City of Greensboro Tax Increase
Justin Outling: $500 from Marty Kotis, who he voted to give taxpayer monies to
The Rhino's Hammer, a lying liberal when told to be as Roy Carroll's crony faux journalistic boy toy to cover for City Council's handouts to John's boss
Think about how much taxpayer money Nancy Hoffmann has voted to give to Marty Kotis
A taxpayer funded parking deck for Roy Carroll and Tuggle Duggins moved by Councilmember Outling, seconded by Councilmember Hoffmann, to adopt the resolution.
The motion carried on the following roll call vote:
Ayes, Nancy Vaughan, Yvonne J. Johnson, Mike Barber, Marikay Abuzuaiter, Jamal T. Fox, Sharon M. Hightower, Nancy Hoffmann, Justin Outling and Tony Wilkins"
Goldie Wells signs on to be just like Justin Outling and Tony Wilkins; Appointed before an election
Premeditated fraud on the City's taxpayers by Justin Outling and City Council
I made a bunch of phone calls today trying to find out who the realtor is for Roy Carroll's Publix Greensboro incentive deal
I saw Robbie Perkins huddled with Marlene Sanford at the Council meeting Tuesday night, waiting for the vote to give Roy Carroll millions more on top of the $32 million he just got with the Tuggle Duggins's boys from the Triad Good Government PAC, which gave to 7 out of 9 City Council members last election cycle.
Yvonne Johnson didn't even know where the money came from.
I asked Robbie if he was going to be the real estate agent for the retail space the City/Roy was building into the deck taxpayers were paying for by the ballpark.
He said he didn't know anything etc...
Robbie Perkins led the effort to line his and his friends pockets with taxpayer money without creating more jobs.
Mayor Perkins and Crony Capitalist Roy Carroll seeking millions in taxpayers monies for water and sewer to Eastern Guilford County
A sign of panic; "Wilkins, Barber win nods from 5 former Greensboro mayors"
Mike Barber personally profiting from Greensboro taxpayers with some help from Amanda Lehmert
City Council Give Away; June 16, 2015; $188,280.87 of water and sewer for Roy Carroll hidden in item 9 of the consent agenda for Greensboro's City Council meeting
How much did the city spend to get the sewer line installed under I-40 for Roy Carroll's AMEX backup data center project?
Adam Smith, the father of modern economics wrote “The proposal of any new law or regulation which comes from [businessmen], ought always to be listened to with great precaution, and ought never to be adopted till after having been long and carefully examined, not only with the most scrupulous, but with the most suspicious attention.”
If a democratically elected government is supposed to protect the public from profit-seeking special interests, so the people don’t end up living “in a van down by the river,” while the “Man” captures the community’s regulatory and political apparatus with campaign cash, are Roy Carroll's actions symptomatic of a systemic disease afflicted on an apathetic population, enabled by a majority of Greensboro's City Council?
Hartzman's prepared statement on John Hammer, Roy Carroll and the Rhino Times, from last night's City Council meeting
Roy Carroll's Tony Wilkins stealth donation via the Triad Good Government PAC
Roy Carroll funneling money to Nancy Vaughan via the Triad Good Government PAC
John Hammer goes to the Infrastructure Committee meeting, doesn't report Marty Kotis getting a City property for less than the appraised value = John Hammer isn't a journalist
Congrats to Roy Carroll and Randall Kaplan; Your names appear nowhere on $56 million in taxpayer handouts
Nancy Vaughan's 2017 Roy Carroll payoff for his parking deck
Roy Carroll and Tuggle Duggin's Triad Good Government PAC, Nancy Hoffmann, and the rest of our bribed politicians
Nancy Hoffman's post election filing take from Roy Carroll via the Triad Good Government PAC
Today's City of Greensboro is the result of a transformation into an oligarchy"
Greensboro, North Carolina; "Crony capitalism is the worst case in point"
"North Carolina is no longer classified as a democracy"
The Declaration of Independence and Our New Crony Royalty
"In the mid–20th century, fascism actually meant something.
"Consider Greensboro's News Media.
"Our community's only defense again crony capitalism is a strong independent media.