Monday, October 16, 2017

Did Goldie Wells tell Tony Wilkins she would not run before he voted to appoint her to City Council?

It is my understanding Goldie publicly announced/it was reported/it was a known, known/she told Jim Kee amongst others, Wells would not run for the seat if she were appointed before the vote

Tony Wilkins was appointed to his seat and won election in a landslide

Tony Wilkins has had this particular monkey on his back since then

Tony Wilkins probably voted for Goldie on the basis of her not running, so he wouldn't be totally compromised by colluding to do the same thing which gave him his seat

Jim Kee certainly wouldn't have endorsed Wells if he knew she was going to run

Was Sharon Hightower and Yvonne Johnson also told by Goldie she wouldn't run?

If Tony was lied to and did not call Wells out on it, why not?

I can see Hightower and Johnson letting it go, but why would Wilkins?

Most reading this who have read what I've already written probably know what I'm thinking the answers are

Tony isn't a fiscal conservative

He is certainly not a free market capitalist, as his crony votes prove

He seems to be in bed with anyone willing, regardless of the compromised morality, as long as he thinks he can get away with it, which he is, with the help of a totally corrupt press

Congratulations on your upcoming victory
Who Owns Greensboro Mayor Nancy Wilkins?

Answer the question Tony Wilkins

ony Wilkins is just like the rest, as he throws out motions he knows will fail, but gets to say he's a fiscal conservative, which he is very not in reality, as he funnels taxpayer monies to his campaign contributors, along with the rest of City Council

How much money has Tony Wilkins voted for his contributors
since he's been in office?

Goldie Wells signs on to be just like Justin Outling and Tony Wilkins; Appointed before an election

Tony Wilkins voted yes

Tony Wilkins voted for it "with No Comment"

Fake fiscal conservative Tony Wilkins and Justin Outling vote for City of Greensboro Tax Increase

Rule by Thieves: 'Greensboro's' Kleptocracy

Tony Wilkins Blames Local Real Estate Agents For Say Yes Boondoggle

Expect a City Council election year love fest between the News and Record and those lobbying to buy the newspaper property

Greensboro's Mayor Vaughan and Tony Wilkins just cost City taxpayers a lot of money

Looks like Tony Wilkins called the Greensboro Fire Department to harras a Marty Kotis competitor

Because of the high costs Tony Wilkins

Greensboro's danger is the connected politicians, elites, and media pundits who enable, run and pilfer our city

Anyone who gives Tony Wilkins a campaign contribution going forward is on the same page with Tony Wilkins

Tony Wilkins betraying financially conservative principals

Tony Wilkins' payoff for Sam Simpson's Megasite take

Roy Carroll's Tony Wilkins stealth donation via the Triad Good Government PAC

Marty Kotis' Tony Wilkins contribution before Tony voted to give Marty a $3 million building for $900,000

"The [STPAC] project, currently budgeted at $78.1 million"

How sold out is Tony Wilkins?

How financially illiterate is our press?

Guess who Tony Wilkins works for?

Tony Wilkins vulnerable to a well funded White Democrat in Greensboro City Council's New District 5; 2011 actual voting numbers