Allen Johnson's straw man argument for the week;
We told you so: Why (healthy) skepticism is a good thing
Billy Jones on what Allen Johnson didn't mention;
2015: You Saw It Here First
No mention by Allen Johnson of the lies told
to make the new performing arts center debt happen;
Who said STPAC construction cost went up and why?
City of Greensboro Tax Dollars at Work; "Mayor to form arts task force"; Vaughan has no sense of shame or fiscal/political responsibility
Nancy Vaughan’s $27.7M Lie
Still no reporting from the News and Record
on STPAC's reported change on the project manager;
Sam Hieb; "The city will serve as project manager and approve all construction and professional service contracts, funding the first $18.5 million in construction and equipment costs."
The News and Record isn't allowed to report
anything that would give readers the impression
Warren Buffett may lose money;
Monday, January 4, 2016; Pay Attention; Links
Thursday, January 7, 2016; "Dow's Worst Start To The Year... Ever"
Here's another one the News and Record won't report,
as it would hurt Warren Buffett's bottom line,
even though it's a serious problem in Greensboro;
Small debt is destroying black lives: Institutional racism and the wealth gap America still refuses to acknowledge
The News and Record isn't allowed to report
elected official's violation of laws
which could hurt the News and Record's propaganda
for Greensboro's economic elite;
Mayor Vaughan Openly And Willfully Violates Public Records Laws
Regulations that direct resources towards a particular structural outcome
will diminish the scope for alternate productive arrangements."
Triad City Beat Lying to their readers and Guilford County's rising seniors about Say Yes to Education
DGI To Get Competition
Eric Robert on the mayor and DGI;
"...One chapter alone will be devoted to how the Mayor of my city hired my ex girlfriend's current husband to represent her, even though she was already being represented by the city's entire legal staff and one of the most prominent law firm in the region...
Zack Matheny needs to go and why DGI needs to be replaced!"
The Muted Delight of the Forthcoming Recession
I had a conversation with a math teacher the other day
concerning the lack of real world knowledge left untaught
in our 'modern' education system
which leaves out actual usable information
that would leave our children better off for having gone to shcool;
The Maker Spirit
"it’s young adults undergoing remedial vocational training they should have received in high school.
...The sheer magnitude of what these kids don’t know and should frightens me. Their primary skill beyond texting, beard grooming and swilling IPA consists of flashing a credit card. While those of us who own homes and run businesses have mastered all manner of skills, these spoiled apartment-dwellers seem mystified by the simplest of things."
Explaining American Men's 'Electile' Dysfunction In 1 Serious Chart
Roy Carroll allowed John Hammer to write;
Greensboro's City Council Decides to Repeat Mistake of the Past
As long as Hammer shilled for water and sewer for Roy and friends
in Guilford County;
Greensboro-Randolph Megasite Gets On Track
The Death of the Professional: Are Doctors, Lawyers and Accountants Becoming Obsolete?
Why Minsky Matters
Datos, ne quisquam seruiat, enses.
(The sword was given for this, that none need live a slave.)
- Marcus Annaeus Lucanus
2016 brings more pain to U.S. shale companies as crude sinks
Hillary Clinton Made More in 12 Speeches to Big Banks Than Most of Us Earn in a Lifetime
Rare finback whale exterminated off coast of North Hamgyong Province,
keeping seas safe for mercantile and fishing traffic.
DPRK News Service @DPRK_News Jan 2
On Greensboro's chapter of "The Tin Foil Hat Brigade"
Page Hits = 712 per day at since September 4th, 2015; 84,039 total
The opposite of anonymous is onymous,
which is typically used to describe something
of which the authorship is known without doubt.
What Greensboro business environment was, is now where it's headed
Every end is a new beginning
What Greensboro's elected leadership and wealthiest who own them are partly responsible for